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Authority record

I. R. Viceconsolato di Toscana in San Pier d'Arena

  • Consular Post

Dependent on the Consulate of Tuscany in Genoa. Established in July 1857. Up to that date, assistance to sailors was entrusted to a consular delegate

  • Fortunato Canale, provisional consular delegate for the validation of rolls and the issuing of sanitary licences to Tuscan ships (in 1837 and in the following years)
  • Giovanni Battista Copello, former consular delegate in Sanpierdarena then vice-consul (from 1857)

Consolato generale e Cancelleria della Legazione di S. M. Sarda in Costantinopoli

  • Consular Post

In 1825 the consular district of Constantinople extends throughout the entire Turkish territory in Asia, starting from Cape Baba, and including the islands of Tenedos and Lemnos, and throughout the entire Turkish territory in Europe up to Kavala, including the island of Thasos. It has as its dependents the vice-consulates of the Dardanelles and Edirne.
In 1835 the consular Division of Constantinople included the districts of Smyrna and Larnaca.
In 1842 the vice-consulate of Bayrouth and the Consulate of Jerusalem became part of the Division of the Consulate General of Constantinople as did the island of Crete.

During the long terms the office was entrusted to:

  • Gaetano Truqui, Consul (1825-1833)
  • Luigi Filippi, Chargé d'affairs (1834)
  • Federico Montiglio di Montiglio, Chargé d'affairs (1835-1837)
  • Domenico Pareto, Chargé d'affairs (1838-1846)
  • Romauldo Tecco, Chargé d'affairs (1846- 1856)

Since 1856 the office was entrusted to a ruling vice-consul

Consolato generale then Agenzia e Consolato generale di S.M. il Re di Sardegna presso la Reggenza di Tunisi

  • Consular Post

General Consulate of the Sardinian Kingdom in Tunis was established in 1816. The consular district extends to the Regency
The following consuls or ruling consuls succeed each other in the period 1816 - 1860:
Francesco Gaetano Palma di Borgofranco, consul (1816-1824)
Luigi Enrico, vice-consul, ruling consul (1824)
Luigi Filippi, consul (1825-1830)
Paolo Gioannetti, vice-consul, ruling consul (1830-1834)
Gaetano Truqui, consul (1835-1841)
Raffaele Benzi, vice-consul, ruling consul (1841-1843)
Bartolomeo Geymet, consul (1844-1850)
Alessandro Alloat, consul (1850-1857)
Francesco Mathieu, consul (1857-1861)

Other ruling consuls (for a short time): Antonio Colli (1837, 1839-1840); Alessandro Borda (1844); Giacomo Carpenetti (1847); Domenico Bruno (1854)

Biserta; Gerbi; La Goletta; Monastir e Media; Sfax; Susa

Consolato generale then Agenzia e Consolato generale di S. M. il Re di Sardegna in Alessandria d'Egitto

  • Consular Post

The Consulate of the Kingdom of Sardinia in Alexandria of Egypt is established in 1825. In October 1825 the first ruling consul was installed. The district includes all the territory subjected to the Viceroy of Egypt, the Island of Crete and the adjacent islands. Dependent vice-consulates are established in Heraklion and Cairo. From 1833 to 1842 the consulate of Beirut, which became a vice-consulate, was dependent on Alexandria of Egypt. The dependance of Island of Crete ceases in 1842.

During the long term the consuls are:
·Domenico Pedemonte, ruling consul then consul (1825-1835)
·Gerolamo Ermirio, consul (1836-1837)
·Paolo Cerruti, consul (1837-1854)
·Luigi Gobbi, consul (1854-1860).

Ruling consuls: Giuseppe Bondesio (1831-1833); ·Daniel Dumreicher, consul of Demmark (1835); ·Antonio Baratta (1835-1836); ·Andrea Folco (1849); ·Luigi Leardi (1853; 1854)

I. R. Viceconsolato di Toscana in Finale Marina

  • Consular Post

Dependent on the Consulate of Tuscany in Genoa
Vice-consulate of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in Finale Marina. Established in 1819

  • Serafino Folco, vice-consul (1819 - † 1844)
  • Luigi Cappa, vice-consul (from 1848)

I. R. Viceconsolato di Toscana in Lerici

  • Consular Post

Dependent on the Consulate of Tuscany in Genoa

The Vice-Consulate of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in Lerici was established in 1850 with the appointment of Domenico Baracchini. Before that in the port of Lerici there was a delegate of the vice-consul of La Spezia, who took care of the shipments

  • Franchini, delegate of the vice-consul of La Spezia (until 1833)
  • Egidio Barbetta, delegate of the vice-consul of La Spezia (1833-1847)
  • Domenico Baracchini, vice-consul (from December 1850)

Garibaldi, Giuseppe, di Nizza

  • Person

Garibaldi, Giuseppe, di Nizza, maestro di scola (da: Elenco dei sudditi sardi [1830-1835 ca], in ASTo, CSCo, mazzo 28/1, "Volanti 1824")
Il generale Garibaldi nelle vesti di "maestro di scola". Sulla presenza di Garibaldi a Costantinopoli si veda Garibaldi Hibbert, A., Garibaldi, l’emigrazione italiana e le politiche sociali, in Gli italiani di Istanbul: figure, comunità e istituzioni dalle Riforme alla Repubblica, 1839-1923, Torino, 2007, p. 175-182.

Macciò, Gaetano

  • Person

Protetto e/o nazionale: Sardo. Rinviato in patria nel 1827 perché 'debole di testa' successivvamente rientrato in Alessandria d'Egitto; muore sul Nilo il 25 ottobre 1831

  1. Macciò, Gaetano. Figlio delli fu Domenico e di Francesca Auberti. Patria: Sarzana. Professione: Macaronaro. Provenienza: Costantinopoli. Data dell'arrivo: Giugno 1826 (Da Stato generale de Regi Sudditi stabiliti in Alessandria d'Egitto a tutto il 31 luglio 1826, in ASTo, Consolati nazionali, Alessandria d'Egitto, b. 1; Da Stato generale de Regi Sudditi stabiliti in Alessandria d'Egitto a tutto il 31 luglio 1826, in ASDMAE, LSAE, b. 23, n. 94)
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