Showing 66 results

Subjects term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
Commercial conflicts (3)
  • Commercial litigation. Business relationships
180 0
Documents and goods custody
  • Custody. A consular officer may receive for safe custody sums of money, documents and objects
32 0
Criminal procedures – Thefts – Insults – Legal complaints
  • Consul may preside over consular courts under authority given by treaty (settlement of civil and criminal cases principally between citizens of the country which the consul represents)
230 0
  • The consul may be called upon to review the judgments of the consular tribunals issued by the dependent consulates or vice-consulates (in the consular district), through the appeal process.
28 0
Consular appointments and displacements
  • News of appointments and movements of consular staff
11 0
  • Repatriation of nationals may be ordered due to extreme poverty and/or for reasons of expediency (e.g. public order; return to their country of origin of orphan pupils)
18 0
Protection. Registrations and legal acts
  • The consular officer registers and up-to-dates records of nationals and protected persons residing within their consular jurisdiction (censuses)
  • The consular officer manages the requests of nationality or protection
9 0
Issue of passports and visa
  • Issue and renewal of passports; visas. Registrations
39 0
Protection (6)
  • A consul is entitled to protect the nationals of the sending state and to defend their rights.
4 0
Consular authorities - Relations
  • Correspondence with consular authorities
10 0
Results 51 to 60 of 66