Showing 66 results

Subjects term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
Institutional relations (7)
  • Correspondence with the main interlocutors of the consul: the institutions at home and local, other consulates, etc.
21 0
Arbitrations and conciliations
  • Consular authority may be requested to mediate to reach an amicable dispute settlement (conciliation) or to make decisions on a dispute based on evidence presented by parts (arbitrate)
68 0
Implementation of judgments
  • The consul is responsible for implementing the sentences issued by the consular and local courts
11 0
  • Bankruptcies. Files may contain inventories, admission of sums to the liabilities, lists of creditors, balance sheets, reports of profitable entries and of the losses, the deeds relating to the appointment of statutory auditors and their reports, notices in the press.
36 0
Contentious jurisdiction (20)
  • Consul may preside over consular courts under authority given by treaty
1 0
Non contentious proceedings (4)
  • Administration of private interests
0 0
Results 61 to 66 of 66