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Authority record

Imperiale Regio Consolato generale di Toscana in Roma

  • Consular Post

1815 - The Institution of the Consulate General in Rome of the re-established Grand Duchy of Tuscany dates back to 1 March 1815, when the Secretariat of State in Florence appointed Marquis Filippo Bonadies Consul General in Rome. Bonadies had held the office of the Florentine Nation in Rome since May 1772 and represented the continuity between the ancient consular institution and the modern consular magistracy.

1819 - Bonadies is succeeded by Francesco Pandolfini, "commesso" in the Legation of Tuscany in Rome. The Consul retains his old post in the Legation: in this way the Consul's dependence on the Representation is made clear from the beginning. F. Pandolfini will keep his post at the Legation until 1846.

1853 - On July 1853 Pandolfini dies. On 30 September 1853 the Consulate is abolished. In its place, a consul chancellor was instituted, dependent on the Tuscan Legation. Instead of receiving consular rights, he would receive a salary and enjoy "restricted quarters" in the Palace of Florence. Francesco Pandolfini's son, Rodolfo, succeeded him. The vice-consulate was suppressed (see ASDMAE, LTRm, folder 104, file 34 "Istituzione di un posto di cancelliere console nell'I. e R. Legazione di Toscana in luogo del Consolato soppresso").

The series of succeeding consuls:

  • Filippo Bonadies, Consul General, appointed 1 March 1815, + 3 June 1819
  • Francesco Pandolfini, Consul General, appointed on 15 September 1819. + 1 July 1853

Consolato generale then Agenzia e Consolato generale di S.M. il Re di Sardegna presso la Reggenza di Tunisi

  • Consular Post

General Consulate of the Sardinian Kingdom in Tunis was established in 1816. The consular district extends to the Regency
The following consuls or ruling consuls succeed each other in the period 1816 - 1860:
Francesco Gaetano Palma di Borgofranco, consul (1816-1824)
Luigi Enrico, vice-consul, ruling consul (1824)
Luigi Filippi, consul (1825-1830)
Paolo Gioannetti, vice-consul, ruling consul (1830-1834)
Gaetano Truqui, consul (1835-1841)
Raffaele Benzi, vice-consul, ruling consul (1841-1843)
Bartolomeo Geymet, consul (1844-1850)
Alessandro Alloat, consul (1850-1857)
Francesco Mathieu, consul (1857-1861)

Other ruling consuls (for a short time): Antonio Colli (1837, 1839-1840); Alessandro Borda (1844); Giacomo Carpenetti (1847); Domenico Bruno (1854)

Biserta; Gerbi; La Goletta; Monastir e Media; Sfax; Susa

I. R. Viceconsolato di Toscana in Finale Marina

  • Consular Post

Dependent on the Consulate of Tuscany in Genoa
Vice-consulate of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in Finale Marina. Established in 1819

  • Serafino Folco, vice-consul (1819 - † 1844)
  • Luigi Cappa, vice-consul (from 1848)

I. R. Viceconsolato di Toscana in Lerici

  • Consular Post

Dependent on the Consulate of Tuscany in Genoa

The Vice-Consulate of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in Lerici was established in 1850 with the appointment of Domenico Baracchini. Before that in the port of Lerici there was a delegate of the vice-consul of La Spezia, who took care of the shipments

  • Franchini, delegate of the vice-consul of La Spezia (until 1833)
  • Egidio Barbetta, delegate of the vice-consul of La Spezia (1833-1847)
  • Domenico Baracchini, vice-consul (from December 1850)

Consolato generale e Cancelleria della Legazione di S. M. Sarda in Costantinopoli

  • Consular Post

In 1825 the consular district of Constantinople extends throughout the entire Turkish territory in Asia, starting from Cape Baba, and including the islands of Tenedos and Lemnos, and throughout the entire Turkish territory in Europe up to Kavala, including the island of Thasos. It has as its dependents the vice-consulates of the Dardanelles and Edirne.
In 1835 the consular Division of Constantinople included the districts of Smyrna and Larnaca.
In 1842 the vice-consulate of Bayrouth and the Consulate of Jerusalem became part of the Division of the Consulate General of Constantinople as did the island of Crete.

During the long terms the office was entrusted to:

  • Gaetano Truqui, Consul (1825-1833)
  • Luigi Filippi, Chargé d'affairs (1834)
  • Federico Montiglio di Montiglio, Chargé d'affairs (1835-1837)
  • Domenico Pareto, Chargé d'affairs (1838-1846)
  • Romauldo Tecco, Chargé d'affairs (1846- 1856)

Since 1856 the office was entrusted to a ruling vice-consul

Imperiale Regio Consolato generale di Toscana in Genova

  • Consular Post

The consulate general of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in Genoa is one of the oldest Grand Ducal consulates.
In the period 1814-1860 the following consuls and regents succeeded each other:

  • Francesco Bocci, provisional consul, later consul general (1814-1828)
  • Fedele Quaglia, regent of the Consulate (1828-1829)
  • Alessandro Scacerni, consul general (1829-1833)
  • Carlo Pietro Cecconi, in charge of the Consulate then consul general (from 1833)

Vice consular dependencies:

  • Finale (since 1819),
  • Lerici (since 1850)
  • Portofino (since 1816)
  • Portovenere (since 1853)
  • San Pier d’Arena (since 1857)
  • Sarzana (since 1847)
  • Savona (since 1816)
  • Sestri di Levante (since 1857)
  • Spezia (since 1815)

Garibaldi, Giuseppe, di Nizza

  • Person

Garibaldi, Giuseppe, di Nizza, maestro di scola (da: Elenco dei sudditi sardi [1830-1835 ca], in ASTo, CSCo, mazzo 28/1, "Volanti 1824")
Il generale Garibaldi nelle vesti di "maestro di scola". Sulla presenza di Garibaldi a Costantinopoli si veda Garibaldi Hibbert, A., Garibaldi, l’emigrazione italiana e le politiche sociali, in Gli italiani di Istanbul: figure, comunità e istituzioni dalle Riforme alla Repubblica, 1839-1923, Torino, 2007, p. 175-182.

Consolato del Ducato di Lucca in Genova

  • Consular Post

The consulate was established in November 1818

The following consuls succeeded each other in the period:

  • Antonio Beramendi, former Spanish consul in Genoa (November 1818 - October 1823)
  • Giuseppe Oneto, (October 1823- June 1839) consul (October 1823) then consul general in January 1834
  • Francesco Oneto (June 1839 - December 1847)

Vice consul in Genoa in the long period 1823 - 1847 is Luigi Oneto.

The vice consuls of the two Rivieras also depend on the Consulate:

  • Giacomo Gemelli, in Portofino (from October 1823)
  • Pantaleo Prasca, in Sestri Levante (from before 1823)
  • Francesco Vissej, Portovenere (from before 1823)
  • Carlo Compareti, in La Spezia (since November 1826)
  • Giovanni Battista Mazzi, in Sarzana (from November 1826).
    Mazza at the closing of the Consulate, in 1847, will become vice-consul of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in that same post
  • Carlo Boggiano, in Alassio (from before 1823)
  • Giovanni Battista Estarico, in Nice, from August 1829

The consular office in Genova was in Piazza Rovere, 307

I. R. Viceconsolato di Toscana in San Pier d'Arena

  • Consular Post

Dependent on the Consulate of Tuscany in Genoa. Established in July 1857. Up to that date, assistance to sailors was entrusted to a consular delegate

  • Fortunato Canale, provisional consular delegate for the validation of rolls and the issuing of sanitary licences to Tuscan ships (in 1837 and in the following years)
  • Giovanni Battista Copello, former consular delegate in Sanpierdarena then vice-consul (from 1857)

I. R. Viceconsolato di Toscana in Sarzana

  • Consular Post

Dependent on the Consulate of Tuscany in Genoa
With the reunification of the Duchy of Lucca with Tuscany in October 1847, the vice-consul of Lucca, Giovanni Battista Mazzi, was authorised to continue temporarily in the exercise of his functions.
He was officially invested with the function in April 1848.
He was succeeded by his nephew Giuseppe.

  • Giovanni Battista Mazzi , former vice-consul of Lucca (1826-), provisional Tuscan vice-consul (November 1847), then vice-consul (April 1848-March 1850)
  • Giuseppe Mazzi , vice-consul (from March 1850)
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