Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Viceconsulate in San Pier d'Arena
- Archive
- 1858 - 1859
I. R. Viceconsolato di Toscana in San Pier d'Arena
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Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Viceconsulate in San Pier d'Arena
I. R. Viceconsolato di Toscana in San Pier d'Arena
Grand Duchy of Tuscany, General Consulate of Genoa
The archive has come to us almost in its entirety, only a few pieces are missing. They can be identified thanks to the presence of the deposit list.
The following documentation is preserved
The fond consist mainly of correspondence (files and copy-books) and registers.
Imperiale Regio Consolato generale di Toscana in Genova
Duchy of Lucca, Consulate of Genoa then General Consulate of Genoa
Consolato del Ducato di Lucca in Genova