Institutional relations



Scope note(s)

  • Correspondence with the main interlocutors of the consul: the institutions at home and local, other consulates, etc.

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Institutional relations

21 Archival description results for Institutional relations

Only results directly related

"Registro per la corrispondenza del Consolato toscano a Costantinopoli affidato alla direzione del Regio Consolato di Sardegna, 1859". Reggenza del Consolato di Toscana a Costantinopoli (1859-1862). Copialettere della corrispondenza inviata

Registro copialettere. Nel maggio 1859 il Consolato sardo in Costantinopoli è incaricato della protezione dei sudditi toscani in Costantinopoli, già affidata all'I. e R. Consolato d'Austria. I delegati consolari sardi del circondario assumono, analogamente, la protezione dei toscani.

Institutional relations. Protocol registers and correspondence (letter books and received correspondence)

Correspondence with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the other Ministries in the Homeland, the health administrations, with the local authorities (the foreign consulates with residence in Alexandria in Egypt and the Egyptian ministries), the proconsuls in Egypt and in the area, with the Legation in Constantinople and the other Sardinian consuls. Most of the protocols are missing.

Results 1 to 10 of 21