cur. Costanza Lisi
- To create a tool to consult Italian consular archives (1814-1860)
- To offer freely available online inventories
- To enhance the value of content through multiple, reasoned and standardized access keys
- To study Italian communities abroad
- To identify the prevailing activities of the nationals
- To delve into the history of the consular institution
- To investigate, through a more detailed listing parts of the consular archives (thematic focuses)
To know more
Highlighted documents
- The subjects of the Kingdom of Sardinia in Constantinople (1830-1835 ca). A list
- Deeds drawn up by the Consulate of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in Genoa (1814-1858)
- The subjects of the Kingdom of Sardinia in Tunisia. A list (1830-1835)
Publication of a guide to the documentation produced by the consulates of the Kingdom of Sardinia in the Ottoman Levant and North Africa. The reconstruction of the consular network in the years 1825-1859, the life of the officers, news and histories of the proconsuls and dragomen.
Lisi, Costanza, La rete consolare del Regno sardo nel Levante ottomano e in Africa del Nord. Repertorio, Torino, Celid, 2024, 458 p. (Deputazione Subalpina di storia patria. Biblioteca di storia recente, N.S., vol. XXXVII) -
The inventories of the archives of the Tuscan consulates in Liguria are on line: Duchy of Lucca. General Consulate of Genoa; Grand Duchy of Tuscany. General Consulate of Genoa; Grand Duchy of Tuscany viceconsulates of Lerici, Finale Marina, Sarzana, 'San Pier d'Arena'. New digital inventory of the archive Grand Duchy of Tuscany. General Consulate in Rome (1817-1853)
A brief introduction to the inventory of the archives of the Sardinian Consulate in Constantinople and of the Sardinian Consulate in Alexandria of Egypt in 'La Fabrique Consulaire'