cur. Costanza Lisi
- To create a tool to consult Italian consular archives (1814-1860)
- To offer freely available online inventories
- To enhance the value of content through multiple, reasoned and standardized access keys
- To study Italian communities abroad
- To identify the prevailing activities of the nationals
- To delve into the history of the consular institution
- To investigate, through a more detailed listing parts of the consular archives (thematic focuses)
To know more
Program Atom, Access to memory
- Open-source
- Complies with international standards of archival description, offering the possibility of accessing the documentation using keywords
- Manages differentiated indexes
- Multiplies the possibility of accessing the documentation
- Enhances browsing through different archives
- Allows browsing through archives owned by different conservation institutes
- Enhances documentation through the contextualization
Furthermore - Multilingual
To facilitate access for those who do not know Italian, the name of the archives, the titles of the series and part of the index words have been partially translated into English
A new digital inventory is on line
Grand Duchy of Tuscany. General Consulate in Rome (1817-1853)
On the web-site of LA FABRIQUE CONSULAIRE you can find a brief introduction to the inventory of the archives of the Sardinian Consulate in Constantinople. With an in-depth study of a document in the archive, i.e. a list, dating from the early 1830s, of Sardinian subjects in Constantinople. Its transcription is made available here
A new inventory is on line
Kingdom of Sardinia. General Consulate in Tunis (1816-1860)
On the web-site of LA FABRIQUE CONSULAIRE you can find a brief introduction to the inventory of the archives of the Sardinian Consulate in Alexandria of Egypt