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Grand Duchy of Tuscany. General Consulate in Rome

  • Asdmae CTRM
  • Archive
  • 1817-1853 con docc. dal 1738

There are few papers from the period 1817-1819 and nothing remains of the previous period due to the non-delivery of the archive of the former consul Filippo Bonadies to the new Tuscan consul. The main correspondents of the papers are the Foreign Secretariat in Florence and the Governor of Livorno. Commercial and maritime subjects prevail; commendations from the Secretariat of Florence and requests for information about Tuscan subjects.

Imperiale Regio Consolato generale di Toscana in Roma

Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Viceconsulate in Sarzana

  • Asdmae VCTSa
  • Archive
  • 1850 - 1859

Two files. In the document system of the Historical Diplomatic Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs they are identified as the Archive of the Vice-Consulate of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in Sarzana (1850-1859)

I. R. Viceconsolato di Toscana in Sarzana

Grand Duchy of Tuscany, General Consulate of Genoa

  • ASGe CTGe
  • Archive
  • 1814 - 1860

The archive has come to us almost in its entirety, only a few pieces are missing. They can be identified thanks to the presence of the deposit list.
The following documentation is preserved

  • the regulatory instruments (mainly printed material)
  • the institutional correspondence (incoming letters and copy book registers, a protocol)
  • the instruments of control and supervision on the movement of Tuscans subjects and foreigners to Tuscany
  • the instruments of control and supervision on the Merchant Navy
  • the papers aimed at the protection of Tuscan subjects and the documentation produced in the performance of notarial functions (notarial and authentication services)

The fond consist mainly of correspondence (files and copy-books) and registers.

Imperiale Regio Consolato generale di Toscana in Genova